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Proxy Models

The pglock.models.PGLock and pglock.models.BlockedPGLock models provide a wrapper around Postgres's pg_locks view. Both models foreign key to the PGActivity model from django-pgactivity, making it possible to join other information such as the SQL and transaction ID. View the django-pgactivity docs for more information.


PGLock lets you query all active locks. It includes some of the following attributes:

  • activity: The activity associated with the lock. This is a foreign key to django-pgactivity's PGActivity model, which includes the SQL query.
  • mode: The lock mode.
  • granted: A boolean indicating if the lock has been granted or is still waiting to be acquired.
  • wait_duration: How long the lock has been waiting to be acquired. Only available in Postgres 14 and up.
  • rel_kind: The type of relation for the lock, such as "TABLE" or "INDEX".
  • rel_name: The name of the relation, such as the table name.

See pglock.models.PGLock for a list of all attributes and possible options for fields.

For example, this query will show all locks that are blocked. It will also show which query is trying to acquire the locks.

  from datetime import timedelta
  from pglock.models import PGLock

  ).values("rel_kind", "rel_name", "activity__duration", "activity__query")

There are some special queryset methods worth noting:

  • PGLock.objects.on(model1, model2): Takes a variable amount of model classes and filters locks for them.
  • PGLock.objects.filter(...).cancel_activity(): Cancels the query for all locks that match the queryset.
  • PGLock.objects.filter(...).terminate_activity(): Terminates the activity for all locks that match the queryset.


pglock.models.BlockedPGLock inherits PGLock. It adds a blocking_activity attribute that references the activity preventing a lock from being acquired. If there are multiple blocking activities for a lock, multiple models will be returned for each blocking activity.

Along with the methods from the PGLock queryset, the BlockedPGLock queryset comes with the following methods:

  • BlockedPGLock.objects.filter(...).cancel_blocking_activity(): Cancels the blocking query for all locks that match the queryset.
  • BlockedPGLock.objects.filter(...).terminate_blocking_activity(): Terminates the blocking activity for all locks that match the queryset.

Annotating Query Context

pglock.models.PGLock has an activity foreign key to a pgactivity.models.PGActivity model. In this model are two primary fields for understanding what query is blocked:

  1. The query field, which shows the raw SQL. This SQL is truncated to 1024 characters by Postgres by default.
  2. The context JSONField, which allows your application to attach additional context about the query.

We recommend reading the django-pgactivity docs for more information on how to turn on context tracking. After installing the associated middleware, you are able to see the URL of the request that's making queries, making it much easier to understand what requests are obtaining locks or blocking other processes.